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gacha bosta

ya me toooo

For some reason it takes me to gacha Lumonial.....

Well if you have Luminal and. An app that can replace club like Luminal And like other mods, well, it can get quite mixed if you want to put it that way.

Oh ok! Thank you so much for telling me

i downloaded this and it wont open. this is happening with other mods so i know this isnt the mod makers fault. i am on a labtop and dont know what to do anymore. any suggestions? :')

Also is his safe for Android tablet?



Love the MOD! the accesories, clothing, and hairs are adorablee!!

Hi guys im here to say gacha is not cringe

How do you download this 

It's a file

Btw I'm releasing a mod soon "Gacha YTB"

ja baixei ele uma vez e amei meus parabéns ^^

EU TAMBEM , so que você baixou e fez skins bem bonitas amei suas skins!, depois faz uma pra mim? 

It didn't give me the game

I love the Afro hairs <3



Dude stop acting like your the "real mitsuri" it's a fictionan anime




(1 edit) (-3)

and?  I don't care about your username, People that like making ds ocs need this so stop bragging


i wasn't even saying anything rude


Yes, I know, that was my little cousin i must apologize for the behavior. Shehas anger issues and mitsuri is her favorite character.

(1 edit) (+2)

They ain't acting like they the real mitsuri?? They never said they were? And why are you so worked up about it..

Wth i just let my little cousin download gacha apps on here while I was on my phone (I'm on a tablet rn) I deeply apologize for her aditude her favorite character is mitsuri and gets mad at people who's pfp or user is mitsuri she has anger issues so if you see someone else mitsuri on my account just know that's my little cousin I honestly might tell her to get her own iPad and get games instead on mine, and again, I deeply apologize for her behavior.

Liarrrr just a big liarrr

I it. 

it's.... PERFECT

I recommend

In a short sentence, this mod is amazing!

While it doesn’t really fit what im looking for (im picky with some things) Im most likely going to keep it! It has recognizable music and amazing new options — I haven’t even looked at them all yet (there’s not THAT many but still quite a few)

With cute music, a new SFX and tons of new options, it makes me really happy.

Its also been built w/ the base of another mod (?) And that mod I really enjoy and I love how they added to it!

Its pretty easy to use, and its definitely one of the better mods on here. And doesn’t lie abt the things it has! It also (might just be me / my device, but) doesn’t lag as much as the mods I’ve tried out tonight have.

While it doesn’t fit the list of what im lf, it really is amazing, and again, Im keeping it!

This mod isn’t for everybody, or every device, so keep in mind that things could work differently for yours. But so far, on my kindle fire tablet, its amazing!

While there are slight texture problems, I’d ignore those / don’t use those items!

Anyways, the date and time of finishing writing is: 2023, September 11 (RIP to the lives lost on 9/11/2001, Never forget) at 10:55 PM

Thanks now I'll download this mod (also about the 9/11 I saw some yt video about it and it was omg) 


nice mod

pls update the pc version, it doesn't work on the new computers and on the new adobes



Rip 🏳



Is it working for 32 bit android phone?




i don't like it gacha neon is more good for me ofc

(1 edit) (+4)

 Then install gacha neon


sorry, I can't download the mod because it says "Do you want to update this app?"


It's the mod type that changes the original app, not makes a new one, sorry!

Oh right.


its called a mod


I love this mod, its not my favourite tho, there is definitely better ones but its good and i like it

I was able to make this lol

I love the designs


Thank you!


I didn't like the style...I loved it

i just took Siya gamin oc and made it my style :^

siya|Feb 16|15|I have vitiligo skin:O|me|pastal|sushi&strawberry milk|idk|cute,helpful,nice|main oc|226|22|22|13|10|7|48|0|1|2|1|1|77|109|60|42|0|71|71|27|27|1|1|14|0|98|58|94|63|6|6|0|0|19|52|25|25|22|22|121|121|2|2|48|18|11|11|0|0|15|59|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|0|1|2|2|11|0|11|11|1|1|1|14|14|1|1|1|1|1|1|0|0|0|6|0|5|1|0|1|1|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|15|0|0|0|1|15|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|10|2|16|-9|0|10|2|16|9|0|0|1|20|3|4|-4|16|18|348|0|18|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|-6|24|17|17|336|-4|28|17|17|333|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|6|-20|14|14|0|2|-12|20|16|0|-3|-1|0|19|1|19|14|354|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|1|1|1|15|20|20|0|0|1|1|1|1|0|1|1|0|0|1|1|0|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|5|0|0|1|1|0|1|0|0|-8|16|16|2|42|1|19|0|12|-4|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|F5EAE2|562D25|FFF5D4|F3A050|FFE4BB|FFF5D4|FFBF98|FFF9E7|FF3C87|FF3C87|FF3C87|FF3C87|FF3C87|FF3C87|FFF5D4|FFBF98|FFF5D4|FF93BC|FFF5D4|E0E1FF|E0E1FF|E0E1FF|FFDBEF|FFDBEF|FFDBEF|FFFFFF|8589FF|FFFFFF|FF93BC|FF93BC|FF93BC|FF93BC|FF93BC|191919|020202|ECECEC|FFF3A1|020202|BBD4FF|FF8383|FF8383|FF8383|8A624F|8A624F|8A624F|FF8383|8589FF|FFC2C2|562D25|FF8383|AA5F5F|FFFFFF|FFF5D4|FFF5D4|FFBBDC|E0E1FF|8589FF|E0E1FF|FFDBEF|FF93BC|FFDBEF|8AAEFF|020202|0256C9|E0E1FF|020202|8ACEFF|FFFFFF|303146|FFFFFF|FF93EC|432A41|D4BDFF|AAA7CB|020202|EEE9FF|AAA7CB|020202|EEE9FF|FFFFFF|303146|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|303146|FFFFFF|3D3E62|020202|3D3E62|3D3E62|020202|3D3E62|8589FF|08016D|8589FF|FFFFFF|303146|FFFFFF|8A624F|3A1F17|8A624F|8A624F|3A1F17|8A624F|191919|020202|FF93BC|191919|020202|FF93BC|FFFFFF|303146|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|303146|FFFFFF|EDBDFF|432A41|D4BDFF|8589FF|040041|FF8383|A487FF|020202|8AAEFF|FFFFFF|020202|A487FF|FFFFFF|020202|A487FF|FF3F3F|020202|FFC2C2|FF3F3F|020202|FFFFFF|FF3F3F|020202|FFFFFF|FF3F3F|020202|191919|8589FF|020202|FFFFFF|8589FF|020202|FFFFFF|AAA7CB|020202|B4BFCD|AAA7CB|020202|B4BFCD|8C4A4A|FFBBDC|020202|FFFFFF|020202|FFFFFF|020202|FFFFFF|FF3F3F|FFFFFF|020202|020202

(2 edits) (+1)

This mod has a lot of potential to be one of the best, however, there is a lot to improve: there are new items with texture problems and others already had it in other modifications (example: Gacha Edition). 
I hope the next update is good and fixes such mentioned errors (or almost all).

                                           So cute!

I love this 🤩

I love this MOD <3


Amazing Mod! Just made this with it!


Her is my oc

siya|Feb 16|15|I have vitiligo skin:O|me|pastal|sushi&strawberry milk|idk|cute,helpful,nice|main oc|226|22|22|13|5|6|1|0|1|1|1|1|77|109|60|42|0|71|71|27|27|1|1|14|0|0|91|94|63|6|6|0|0|19|0|4|4|22|22|121|121|1|1|48|0|10|0|0|0|0|59|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|0|1|2|1|0|0|14|14|1|1|1|1|2|1|1|1|1|1|1|0|0|0|6|0|8|1|0|1|1|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|16|0|0|0|1|16|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|18|20|-12|0|0|1|19|12|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|18|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|2|24|1|1|336|2|32|1|1|333|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|-2|-4|1|15|0|1|1|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|1|1|1|17|1|1|0|0|1|1|1|1|0|1|1|0|0|1|1|0|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|5|0|0|1|1|0|1|0|0|-8|17|17|2|46|1|20|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|FFF0E7|7B0000|FFF5D4|FFBF98|FFF5D4|FFF5D4|FFBF98|FFF5D4|FF93BC|FF93BC|FF93BC|FF93BC|FF93BC|FF93BC|FFF5D4|FFBF98|FFF5D4|FF93BC|FFF5D4|E0E1FF|E0E1FF|E0E1FF|FFDBEF|FFDBEF|FFDBEF|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|FFBBDC|FFBBDC|FFBBDC|FFBBDC|191919|020202|ECECEC|4638FF|020202|BBD4FF|FF8383|FF8383|FF8383|8A624F|8A624F|8A624F|FF8383|8589FF|FFC2C2|020202|FF8383|BF0000|FFFFFF|FFF5D4|FFF5D4|FFDBEF|E0E1FF|E0E1FF|E0E1FF|FFDBEF|FFDBEF|FFDBEF|8AAEFF|020202|0256C9|E0E1FF|020202|8ACEFF|FFFFFF|D4D4D4|FFFFFF|191919|020202|4638FF|AAA7CB|020202|EEE9FF|AAA7CB|020202|EEE9FF|FFFFFF|D4D4D4|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|D4D4D4|FFFFFF|3D3E62|020202|3D3E62|3D3E62|020202|3D3E62|8589FF|0C0295|8589FF|191919|020202|B8B8B8|8A624F|6B4637|8A624F|8A624F|6B4637|8A624F|191919|020202|191919|191919|020202|191919|FFFFFF|D4D4D4|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|D4D4D4|FFFFFF|4638FF|020202|BCBBFF|8589FF|0C0295|FF8383|A487FF|020202|8AAEFF|FFFFFF|020202|A487FF|FFFFFF|020202|A487FF|FF3F3F|020202|FFC2C2|FF3F3F|020202|FFFFFF|FF3F3F|020202|FFFFFF|FF3F3F|020202|191919|8589FF|020202|FFFFFF|8589FF|020202|FFFFFF|AAA7CB|020202|B4BFCD|AAA7CB|020202|B4BFCD|020202|FFBBDC|020202|FFFFFF|020202|FFFFFF|020202|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|020202|020202


Gente seis tão bem? Espero que sim (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤ pfvr vcs podem me seguir lá no Tik Tok? Vai me ajudar muito a família lá ainda tá pequena mais tamo crescendo aos poucos conto com vcs pra fazerem parte dela!!! @_unitydark_ (esse eh meu nome pro cês procuro lá(⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)/ 🤗❤️ link do tik tok

Kraio q edit foda man, já vou te seguir la

Wednesday Addams a.k.a Jenna Ortega

Wednesday Addams

even mod is good


Guess the character 







Thought it was enid for a second lol


the hair is black!!




Im kinda disappointed that I can't download it on apple and I want a mod for apple it's kinda disappointing 


This is an oc I made :D



It's Soo! Cool! I Like The Mod!


this is so ass

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